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Plus d'informations sur Calmets

Fred Calmets / 1976 / Artist / from Poitiers / France

Self-taught. He began to paint on walls in the city (15 years of graffiti).

Thanks to this mode of expression, he discovers the urban realm: its world, its architecture, its codes, its spirit, its magic, the city and its inhabitants...

Fred's main subject are mostly women : working girls, keen on sports, during a break between two appointments...

A vision of the contemporary woman divided between the stereotypes of advertising, Web (myspace, fotolog ...), the urban world, and snapshots of life (Funny, fresh, fascinating, strange, ultra-feminized, intimate, peeping ...).

In all this is added his love of «women», his relatives' world, his life, his fantasies, and especially the time in which he belongs as an artist. Most often the matter of his paintings recreates the memory of advertisements painted on old walls. A forgotten pin up... a stereotype of the canons of beauty. All this associated with a photographer frame and a graphic eye ...

Adresse et contact de Calmets

Adresse : 42 rue du gue sourdeau 86000 Poitiers

Le site web de Calmets :

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